
Total war shogun 2 update 25
Total war shogun 2 update 25

total war shogun 2 update 25

We will be getting these in all of our economic provinces, especially with the Budo technology focus leaving me having to get cash where I can. By building one in Kyoto, we not only make it harder for the enemy to convert it away, but we net ourselves an extra ~90 koku a turn that will scale with the wealth of Kyoto as we develop it. It increases the rate at which a province is converted to your clan (this also makes it harder for Junsatsushis to convert), allows the production of the agent Shirabyoshi (one per Estate up to a maximum of 5) and increase the base tax rate of a province by 5% (Modified by Administrative Cost). The Estate building chain is one of the more versatile buildings that exist in the game. This new efficiency bought even more wealth into the Taira coffers. Shigehira was amazed at how inefficient the old taxation system was, compared to the many administrators that filled the halls. The grandeur bought the support of the populace and the nobles, a solid reminder of the wealth and power of the Taira. This fine building brought many of the finest minds to bring their wisdom and knowledge to the betterment of the Taira clan. A mighty estate to the glory of the Taira had recently been constructed in Kyoto. We might get lucky and they just decide to raid our farmland instead or maybe they won't attack us at all! This army is too large to sally forth and attack, we need to rely on our recently constructed fortifications to give us the edge we need in any battle. To strip Settsu, their ancestral home, of defence would be not only foolish, but Kiyomori would never consider it. Considering asking his father to send his bodyguard to assist in the defence, Shigehira dismissed the notion as foolish. But Munemori was deployed far to the north and too far to offer council. Looking at the reports again and again as if hoping that the words would change, Shigehira wondered what Munemori would do. The scout reported that the Sasaki army was more numerous than the forces in Kyoto, even if he raised the garrison. It's a good move actually, as Kyoto is poorly defended and exceptionally wealthy. Later wars, they won't be so kind as to let you know and you will have to work it out from their actions.

total war shogun 2 update 25

Early on, the computer politely tells you that it plans to attack after it moves it's army into position. Vassals can only declare war on the people you tell them to or you. In hindsight, I should have seen this coming. "Send runners to Tamba and Settsu, inform them that we need every able bodied man they can spare."Īlways the thinker, never the fighter like his brothers, Shigehira went out to inspect the fortifications once again and tried desperately to think of a plan. Cursing himself as a fool for not thinking the Sasaki troop movement suspicious, he rose from his seat. His forces were weak and his fortifications untested. Their daimyo plans to launch an attack upon us!" "My lord!" the messenger announced, bursting into the room "I bring a grave message from an old friend in the Sasaki. It was only a matter of time before some of the other clans got a head of steam under them, so Japan is about to get very interesting indeed. The Taira would never be weak.Īnother clan has fallen! This time, we were not responsible, which means that the other clans are expanding. As another clan grew in strength, so did it consume the weaker clans.

total war shogun 2 update 25

He was not the only daimyo looking to ensure his clans survival. Kiyomori thanked the messenger for his news and dismissed him. I'll try to show ones that fit the updates. I have decided to show off the fantastic music that is in this game. Part 6: Update 4 (Spring 1177 - Summer 1177) The Finest Warriors.

Total war shogun 2 update 25